Clause 1 of Council of Ministers Resolution No. 44 dated 17/2/1431H provided for the formation of an academic council for French language. In implementation of the Council of Ministers Resolution, OTD is currently working on the formation of said council through searching for full-fledged professors and specialists who are well-versed in such area.

First Term:

High Order No. 5514/MB dated 16/8/1432H approved the formation of the Academic Council for Translation for a three-year period as follows:​

1Dr. Saleh ibn Ibrahim BabaierChairman
2Dr. Abdulaziz ibn Othman AlbabtainMember
3Dr. Amr ibn Ibrahim RajabMember
4Dr. Khalid ibn Abdulaziz AlruwaisMember
5Dr. Hamad ibn Ibrahim AltraifMember
6Dr. Ibrahim ibn Youssef AlbalawiMember
7Dr. Bandar ibn Khashan AlhathalMember
8Hoda Abdulrahman AlhellaisiMember​

Dr. Mohammed ibn Saleh Alhadlaq joined the Council as Secretary pursuant to High Order No. 37442 dated 11/8/1433H.​